
View indicative pricing and leverage information for Wheat.


Wheat chart

Kurs 537.38
Veränderung in % -0.35%

Wheat insights


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Wheat overview

Kosten & Margen
  • Wheat is a commodity available to trade on Forex and one of the most traded commodities worldwide. Wheat accounts for a large percentage of the global food supply as a key ingredient in bread, flour, pasta, whisky and beer.

    Supply and demand factors on the price of wheat include global populations affecting demand, climate factors impacting supply and the price of oil which is used to harvest and transport wheat around the world.

    Geopolitical disruptions in high wheat-producing countries like Russia and Ukraine can also drastically affect the market price.

  • Marge ab
    10,0 %
  • Marktzeiten
    01:00:00 - 19:15:00
  • Minimale Handelsgröße
  • Long
  • Short
  • Minimaler Stop-Abstand
    0,0 Punkte
  • Garantiertes Order-Minimum
    0,1 Punkte
  • Spreads ab
  • Spreads ab
    1,0 Punkte
  • Marge
  • 0 - 430
    10,0 %
  • 430 +
    24,0 %
  • Handel
  • Spreads
    1,0 Punkte
  • Garantierter Mindestabstand für Aufträge
    0,1 Punkte
  • Marge
  • 0 - 430
    10,0 %
  • 430 +
    24,0 %